When you convert to a Bond Claim, you will be prompted to enter some additional project information in order to complete your Claim.
This information will include the amount you are claiming and the name of the bonding company.
You will also have the option of uploading relevant documents in support of your claim. Once complete, a Bond Claim Specialist will notarize your Claim and send it via Certified Mail to the Bonding Company.
Any questions? We are here to help. Your Bond Claim Specialist is standing by to answer any questions you may have
A Preliminary Notice is a document that is sent at the beginning of a project, that is used to obtain lien rights. These documents allow you to obtain mechanic lien rights and can be used to help ensure you get paid on a project.
1. These notices are required in most states.
2. Failure to send a preliminary notice at the beginning of a project eliminates your chances of being able to take legal action in the event you are not paid.
When you are owed money, this is where you should turn to first. It will demonstrate to the party that owes you money that you are serious, and, should you not receive payment in full within seven (7) days, that you will file a Mechanic’s Lien and/or a Payment Bond Claim to protect your rights.
Depending upon where you are located, your State may require you to provide this notice prior to the filing of a Lien or Payment Bond Claim. Don’t waive your rights, don’t accept less than what you are owed, file today.
Nearly every construction contract requires a Project participant to file a Notice of Delay in the event that its work is delayed. It states that you have been delayed on the Project, that you are requesting additional time for the performance of your work, and that you reserve the right to seek additional compensation in relation to the delay. Sending a Notice of Delay can be critically important in not only protecting yourself from delay claims (and a liquidated damages assessment), but also in preserving your rights to additional compensation.
Construction contracts vary as to:
(1) When and how a Notice of Delay must be submitted,
(2) the contents of the Notice of Delay, and
(3) the entitlement to additional time for performance and additional funds
Are you performing work that is outside of your contractual scope of work? Has your request for a change order been denied? Then you should submit a Notice of Disputed Work prior to performing any work outside of your contractual scope.
Nearly every construction contract requires a Project participant to file a Notice of Disputed Work prior to commencing with change order work. It states that you will be performing certain work under protest and that you are reserving your right to additional compensation for such work. Without filing a Notice of Dispute work you will likely waive your right to additional compensation.
Construction contracts vary as to:
(1) when and how a Notice of Disputed Work must be submitted,
(2) the contents of the Notice of Disputed Work, and
(3) the entitlement to additional time for performance and additional funds.
A partial lien waiver is normally submitted with a progress payment application.
It releases your lien and claim rights in relation to the work covered by the corresponding payment application.
A Final lien waiver is normally submitted with a final payment application.
It releases your lien and claim rights in relation to the project.
Unfortunately, many subcontractors and suppliers never get to file a claim because nobody will provide them with the bond information.
ConstructionDisputes.com makes finding the bond information easy so you can file your claim and get paid. You enter relevant project information and we will take care of the rest.
Has your customer refused payment or ignored your requests? The payment bond protects you if you file on time; don’t wait to file! All you have to do is supply us with the key project information and we’ll take care of the rest.
Do you have a new project you’re getting ready to begin? Fill out our project registration form so you can make filing and organizing claims easier during the construction process. Just follow the instructions and fill out the necessary information and we’ll get you started on the right track.
We will be Providing Labor, Materials, or Equipment for the Benefit of your Project.
This Notice is Provided by: [[ filer_company_name ]]
This Project is Located at: [[ project_location ]]
We are sending you this Notice so that you are aware of our presence on the Project.
It is our hope that added transparency as to the Project’s participants will better help you manage the project, avoid delays, and prevent the filing of mechanic’s liens and encumbrances that may otherwise be avoidable.
We were hired by: [[hiring_company_name]]
We will be providing the following labor, equipment, and materials: [[project_description]]
We hope that the project runs smoothly and that it is completed on time and within budget. With that having been said, [[ filer_company_name ]] reserves its right to file a mechanic’s lien and payment bond claim, if applicable, should we not be timely paid for the labor, materials, and equipment we render for the benefit of the Project.
As I am sure you are aware, payment disputes are a leading contributor to project delays, so it is our hope that the information provided to you in this Notice will help you better administer the Project.
Project transparency is key, and our ability to know and understand the Project participants will help ensure that we are timely paid, and that our work is delivered in accordance with our schedule.
If the Project Owner is not identified on the next page, please provide us with this information.
If the Prime Contractor is not identified on the next page, please provide us with the information of the entity that is serving this role.
If the Bonding Company that issued the payment bond covering the Project is not identified on the next page, please provide us with a copy of the payment bond and the name of the Bonding Company.
If the Construction Lender is not identified on the next page, please provide us with its name and address.
Again, we are not requesting this information for the purpose of creating conflict on the Project. Much to the contrary, we are requesting this information to help avoid payment disputes that may result in Project delays.
Property Owner: [[project_owner_name]]
Prime Contractor: [[prime_contractor_name]]
Bonding Company: [[surety_name]]
Construction Lender: [[lender_name]]
Preliminary Notice sent to:
[[ filer_name ]] - [[filer_email]]
[[p.name]] - [[p.email]]
Reply to:
[[ filer_contact_line_1 ]]
[[ filer_email ]]
[[ filer_contact_line_2 ]]
Construction Disputes, LLC
2202 Lexington Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64124
When you are owed money, this is where you should turn to first. It will demonstrate to the party that owes you money that you are serious, and, should you not receive payment in full within seven (7) days, that you will file a Mechanic’s Lien and/or a Payment Bond Claim to protect your rights.
Depending upon where you are located, your State may require you to provide this notice prior to the filing of a Lien or Payment Bond Claim. Don’t waive your rights, don’t accept less than what you are owed, file today.
Please sign up with your Google account
Please sign in with your Google account
Date: [[signature_date|USDate]]
To: [[ contacts_display ]]
Filing Party: [[filer_company_name]]
Project Address: [[ project_location ]]
Dear Sir/Madam:
Please be advised that [[filer_company_name]] hereby notifies you of its Notice of Intent to File a Lien and/or Bond Claim in relation to the above-referenced Project.
[[filer_company_name]] provided the following labor, equipment,
and/or materials for the benefit of the Project:
The total amount due and owing as of the date of this correspondence is: $ [[owing_amount]]
If the total amount due is not paid within seven (7) days of your receipt of this correspondence, a Construction Lien, commonly referred to as Mechanic’s Lien, will be filed. The filing of the Lien may have significant legal and economic consequences. If the labor, material, and/or equipment were provided for the benefit of real property, the real property will be encumbered by the Lien. On public improvement projects, the Lien will likely result in the owner withholding the full value of the Lien from subsequent payments.
Additionally, if the Project has a payment bond, [[filer_company_name]] will be filing a payment bond claim with the appropriate bonding company. The filing of a payment bond claim may also carry significant legal and economic consequences, such as the imposition of personal liability on the bond principal.
In the event relevant Federal, State, or Local Laws require advance Notice of an Intent to File a Lien and/or a Payment Bond Claim, this Notice shall satisfy such requirement.
In order for you to avoid the filing of a Lien and/or Payment Bond Claim, payment of the total amount due must be made within seven (7) days of your receipt of this correspondence.
Govern yourself accordingly.
Signed by: [[filer_name]]
Signed on: [[signature_date|USDate]]
Notice of Intent to File a Lien and/or Payment Bond Claim sent to:
[[e.name]] - [[e.email]]
Reply to:
Construction Disputes, LLC
2202 Lexington Avenue,
Kansas City, MO 64124
Attention: [Insert Project Id]
Nearly every construction contract requires a Project participant to file a Notice of Delay in the event that its work is delayed. It states that you have been delayed on the Project, that you are requesting additional time for the performance of your work, and that you reserve the right to seek additional compensation in relation to the delay. Sending a Notice of Delay can be critically important in not only protecting yourself from delay claims (and a liquidated damages assessment), but also in preserving your rights to additional compensation.
What you need to know.Construction contracts vary as to:
(1) when and how a Notice of Delay must be submitted,
(2) the contents of the Notice of Delay, and
(3) the entitlement to additional time for performance and additional funds
To: [[ contacts_display ]]
Filing Party: [[filer_company_name]]
Project Address: [[ project_location ]]
Dear Sir/Madam:
[[filer_company_name]] hereby notifies you that its work on the Project is being delayed.
On [[delay_start_date|USDate]] the following condition occurred:
Due to the foregoing condition the performance and completion of our work is being delayed. The foregoing conditions are currently impacting the following items/operations and areas of work:
The extent of damages due to the foregoing conditions cannot be fully ascertained at this time. We reserve the right to supplement the information contained in this notice as information becomes available or should any other areas of its work and operations subsequently by affected by the conditions identified above.
Our work will continue to be impacted and delayed as long as this condition continues. We hereby request an extension of time for the performance of our work and we reserve the right to seek an adjustment to the contract sum in relation to the damages incurred.
Signed by: [[filer_name]]
Signed on: [[signature_date|USDate]]
Notice of Delay sent to:
[[e.name]] - [[e.email]]
Reply to:
Construction Disputes, LLC
2202 Lexington Avenue,
Kansas City, MO 64124
Attention: [Insert Project Id]
To: [[ contacts_display ]]
Filing Party: [[filer_company_name]]
Project Address: [[ project_location ]]
Dear Sir/Madam:
[[filer_company_name]] hereby notifies you that it is performing the following work under protest:
We have suffered loss, costs, expenses and damages as a direct result of the act(s) or omission(s) reported herein. These costs and damages will continue to accrue until the situation is eliminated. We request that a change order or other contract adjustments be issued to increase the contract value and the time of performance allowed for our work.
Signed by: [[filer_name]]
Signed on: [[signature_date]]
Notice of Disputed Work sent to:
[[e.name||e.role]] - [[e.email]]
Reply to:
Construction Disputes, LLC
2202 Lexington Avenue,
Kansas City, MO 64124
Attention: [Insert Project Id]
Please sign up with your Google account
Please sign in with your Google account
This Project is Registered with ConstructionDisputes.com
Project Address:
[[ project_location ]]
Project Registration Number:
Project QR Code:
Scan QR code to quickly view Project or invite other participants to quickly import Project.
ConstructionDisputes.com is providing the Project with the necessary tools for payment success. Through our platform, the Project participants can better manage the project, avoid delays, facilitate payments, and prevent the filing of mechanic’s liens and encumbrances that may otherwise be avoidable.
Project transparency is key.
Project delays are an unfortunate reality for many construction projects. However, delays are often avoidable when the key Project participants are made aware of actual or expected delays on a timely basis.
Project payment issues have doomed far too many construction projects. When a Project participant does not have the tools necessary to collect funds that are due and owing, the entire Project suffers. We not only provide the required tools, but we provide Project payment transparency.
All of the documents created and filed at ConstructionDisputes.com are visible to all of the Project participants. This creates much needed Project transparency, facilitating the timely resolution of Project delays and disputes.
Visit ConstructionDisputes.com and enter Project Registration Number CD-00-000-XXXXXX to get started today.
Registered Project Participants:
Construction Lender: [[lender_name]]
Property Owner: [[project_owner_name]]
General Contractor: [[general_contractor_name]]
Subcontractor: [[sub_contractor_name]]
Sub-Subcontractor: [[sub_sub_contractor_name]]
Vendor: [[vendor_name]]
Material Supplier: [[material_supplier_name]]
Bonding Company: [[surety_name]]
Email Sent To:
[[filer_first_name]] [[filer_last_name]] - [[filer_email]]
[[p.name]] - [[p.email]]
Please sign up with your Google account
Please sign in with your Google account
$ [[original_subcontract_amount]]
$ [[change_order_amount]]
$ [[adjusted_subcontract_amount]]
$ [[total_payments_received]]
$ [[amount_of_requisition]]
The Subcontractor, for and in consideration of the payments made to it by Contractor, for labor employed and materials furnished for the construction of the above-referenced Project, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby certifies, agrees, and swears as follows:
1. The Subcontractor acknowledges receipt of payment from Contractor equal to the Total Payments Received to Date set forth above, and certifies that, through the date of the above-referenced Requisition, and upon receipt of $ [[amount_of_requisition]] , the amount of said Requisition, (a) the aggregate of said amounts represents payment in full, less contract retainage, for all amounts due for labor and materials provided by the Subcontractor and all of its personnel, sub-subcontractors and material and equipment suppliers in connection with the improvement of the Project; and (b) the amounts set forth above are true and correct.
2. The Subcontractor, for itself, its successors and assigns and anyone else acting or claiming by or through it, hereby releases and waives entirely: (a) any mechanic’s lien or other lien, stop notice, or
any right against any labor or material payment bond, or claim to any mechanic’s lien or other lien which the Subcontractor may now have for all labor, materials, equipment, services and supplies furnished for use in or performed upon the above-referenced Project; (b) any and all claims, except claims regarding contract retainage, against Contractor, Owner, and their respective related, affiliated and parent persons and entities including without limitation, the agents, attorneys, employees, heirs, executors, administrators, members, managers, officers, stockholders, partners, sureties, successors, and assigns of the foregoing (collectively referred to as “Released Parties”) on account of any action or cause of action which now exists relative to the Project, contracts, labor, materials, equipment, services and supplies referenced above; and (c) all actions or causes of action, suits debts dues, sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, extents, executions, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or in equity, which against the Released Parties the Subcontractor ever had, and now has upon reason of any matter, cause, or thing, whatsoever from the beginning of the world to the date of the above-referenced Requisition.
3. The Subcontractor further warrants that: (a) all workmen employed by it or its sub-subcontractors upon the Project and all materialmen from whom the Subcontractor or its sub-subcontractors have purchased materials used in the Project have been fully paid through the date of the above-referenced Requisition; and (b) none of such workmen and materialmen has any claim or demand or right of lien against the Project described above.
4. The undersigned is a duly authorized agent of the Subcontractor, which has authorized him/her to make this affidavit and agrees the Released Parties may rely upon this instrument. With respect to the foregoing representations and warranties, the Subcontractor does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties and any others against whom a claim is asserted by virtue of involvement or relationship with them, from any and all claims, damages, losses, expenses, and the like incurred by reason of any claim that the Subcontractor has not fully paid for all labor, materials and expenses incurred in connection with its Work on the Project, including reasonable attorney’s fees, court or arbitration costs, and expert witness and consultant fees expended in connection with the defense of any such claim.
The extent of damages due to the foregoing conditions cannot be fully ascertained at this time. We reserve the right to supplement the information contained in this notice as information becomes available or should any other areas of its work and operations subsequently by affected by the conditions identified above.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Partial Waiver and Release of Lien has been executed on [[formatted_effective_date]]
Partial Lien Waiver sent to:
[[filer_name]] - [[filer_email]]
[[c.name || c.role]] - [[c.email]]
Reply to:
[[filer_company_name || 'Filer Company']]
[[filer_email || 'Filer Company Email' ]]
[[filer_company_address || 'Filer Company Address']],
[[filer_company_city || 'City']],
[[filer_company_state || 'State']] [[filer_company_zip]]
Construction Disputes, LLC
2202 Lexington Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64124
Please sign up with your Google account
Please sign in with your Google account
$ [[original_subcontract_amount]]
$ [[change_order_amount]]
$ [[adjusted_subcontract_amount]]
$ [[total_payments_received]]
$ [[amount_of_requisition]]
WHEREAS, Subcontractor has entered into a subcontract with the above-referenced Contractor for the supplying of materials and/or labor for the above-referenced Project. The Subcontractor has or is about to requisition the final payment from Contractor pursuant to the above-referenced Subcontract.
NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, including the payments referenced herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the Subcontractor agrees as follows:
1. The Subcontractor (a) acknowledges receipt of payments equal to the Total Payments Received to Date set forth above, and (b) certifies that: (i) said amount represents payment in full for all amounts due for all labor performed and materials furnished by the Subcontractor in connection with the Project and the Subcontract set forth above; (ii) the amounts set forth above are true and correct; (iii) it has no claims for additional costs or claims for any extras or additions for labor and
material relating to the Subcontract or the Project and is not aware of any such claims by any other contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor or materialmen; and (iv) it has been paid in full for all labor, services, supplies, equipment and materials furnished in connection with the Subcontract and the Project.
2. The Subcontractor, for itself, its successors and assigns and anyone else acting or claiming by or through it, hereby releases, waives entirely, and forever discharges: (a) any mechanic’s lien or other lien, stop notice, or any right against any payment bond, or claim to any mechanic’s lien or other lien which the Subcontractor may now or hereafter have for all labor, materials, equipment, services and supplies furnished for use in or performed upon the above-referenced Project; (b) any and all claims against Contractor, Owner, and their respective related, affiliated and parent persons and entities including without limitation, the agents, attorneys, employees, heirs, executors, administrators, members, managers, officers, stockholders, partners, sureties, successors, and assigns of the foregoing (collectively referred to as “Released Parties”) on account of any action or cause of action which now exists or which hereafter may accrue to the Subcontractor relative to the contracts, labor, materials, equipment, services and supplies referenced above and related to the Project; and (c) all actions or causes of action, suits debts dues, sums of money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, promises, variances, trespasses, damages, judgments, extents, executions, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or in equity, which against the Released Parties the Subcontractor ever had and now has or hereafter can, shall or may have for, upon or by reason of any matter, cause, or thing, whatsoever from the beginning of the word to the day of the date of these presents.
3. The Subcontractor further warrants that: (a) all workmen employed by it or its sub-subcontractors upon the Project have been fully paid to the date hereof; (b) all materialmen from whom the Subcontractor or its sub-subcontractors have purchased materials, supplies and/or equipment used in the Project have been paid for on or prior to the date hereof; (c) all union benefits, dues, and costs have been paid in full prior to the date hereof; and (d) no workmen and material men have any claim or demand or right of lien against the above-described Project.
4. Subcontractor agrees to pay and/or cause to be discharged within fifteen (15) days from the date of filing of any and all mechanic’s, materialmen, and other liens filed by others against the Project when such liens are claimed to have been filed as a result of the Subcontractor’s failures to make payments for or in connection with any labor, materials, appliances, machinery, equipment, fixtures, or furnishings placed upon or installed on the Project. After such discharge by bonding, the Subcontractor shall take all steps necessary to effect cancellation, release or satisfaction of the lien. Any or all of the Released Parties may, at their option, (a) post a bond and discharge such lien, (b) defend any action related to the lien, or (c) pay and satisfy any judgment or award in connection with such lien, and the Subcontractor shall be responsible for and pay all of such Released Parties’ direct and indirect costs, including without limitation attorneys’ fees within thirty (30) days from demand therefore.
5. The Subcontractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties and any others against whom a claim is asserted by virtue of involvement or relationship with them, from any and all claims, damages, losses, expenses, and the like incurred by reason of any claim that the Subcontractor has not fully paid for all labor, materials, and expenses incurred in connection with its work on the Project, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, court or arbitration costs, and expert witness and consultant fees expended in connection with the defense of any such claim. Subcontractor’s obligations set forth in this Final Unconditional Waiver of Lien and Release shall survive termination or completion of the Subcontract.
6. The signatory hereof is duly authorized by the Subcontractor to make this affidavit and agrees that the Released Parties and any surety and title insurer may rely upon this waiver and release.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this signature and seal of the Subcontractor as of [[formatted_effective_date]]
Final Lien Waiver sent to:
[[filer_name]] - [[filer_email]]
[[c.name || c.role]] - [[c.email]]
Reply to:
[[filer_company_name || 'Filer Company']]
[[filer_email || 'Filer Company Email' ]]
[[filer_company_address || 'Filer Company Address']],
[[filer_company_city || 'City']],
[[filer_company_state || 'State']] [[filer_company_zip]]
Construction Disputes, LLC
2202 Lexington Avenue, Kansas City, MO 64124
The image uploaded will be rendered inside the box below.